
Balancing Wellness: Integrating Mammography in Your Busy Lifestyle


Balancing Wellness: Integrating Mammography in Your Busy Lifestyle

Dr. Parvathy Rajendran
India’s Leading Breast Imaging Expert

Life is a beautiful blend of responsibilities, passions, and dreams for every woman. Be it your career or family goals, every day is a new page to be filled with vibrant experiences. If you’re a modern woman around age 40 or above, you know the value of striking the right balance.

A critical aspect that should never be overlooked in this intricate balancing act is your health, especially breast health.

Breast cancer is the #1 cancer among Indian women.[1] Early detection is the key to successful treatment since no one can prevent it. Mammography is a simple, effective, and recommended screening tool around the world[2],[3], that can make all the difference.

This blog will explore the importance of integrating mammography into your busy lifestyle and how to do it.

Why Mammography Matters

Mammography is a specialized medical image of the breast that can detect the earliest signs of breast cancer, often before you or your doctor can feel a lump. Here’s why it should be an essential part of your health routine:

  1. Early Detection Saves Lives: Breast cancer is highly treatable when caught in its early stages. Mammograms can detect tumors that are too small to be felt, increasing the chances of successful treatment. Mammograms have reduced breast cancer deaths worldwide by 30% to 50%[4] due to early diagnosis of breast cancer.
  1. Reduced Treatment Intensity: When breast cancer is detected early, it often requires less aggressive treatment, reducing the physical and emotional burden on you and your loved ones. This also can save significant costs for you besides your precious life.
  1. Peace of Mind: Regular mammograms provide peace of mind. Knowing that you are taking proactive steps to safeguard your health is empowering and reduces anxiety about potential health issues.
  1. It’s Quick & Now More Comfortable: 3.7 seconds is all it takes for the latest 3D mammography machines to capture a mammogram. This minimizes the time the breast tissue needs to be compressed. Technological advances have made the process as easy as checking your blood pressure. The new 3D mammography exam is clinically proven to deliver a more comfortable mammogram.[5]

How to Integrate Mammography into Your Busy Life

We understand your life is busy, but that should never be a reason to neglect your health. Here are some practical tips to seamlessly integrate mammography into your schedule:

  1. Schedule Regular Appointments: Just as you prioritize work meetings and family events, schedule your mammogram appointments in advance. Annual mammograms are generally recommended, but discuss the frequency with your doctor if you are at a high risk for breast cancer.
  1. Plan Ahead: Plan your mammogram appointments during your less busy periods to avoid conflicts with work and family commitments. Secondly, the timing related to your menstrual cycle also impacts your comfort. Avoid mammograms from a week before and during your periods.[6] The best time to get a mammogram is a week after your period when breasts are less sensitive and less dense- especially in pre-menopausal women.[7]
  1. Choose the Right Centre: Choose a mammography center with the best technology and expertise because you deserve access to the best. Ask them if they have 3D mammography and other relevant expertise before deciding. Many urban areas have imaging centers within easy reach, and some even offer extended hours to accommodate busy schedules. Find one near you.
  1. Involve Your Loved Ones: Encourage your friends and family to support your health goals. They can remind you of your appointments and even accompany you to the mammography center if it makes you feel more comfortable. Also, anxiety is common before a mammogram appointment and there are proven ways to relax.
  1. Embrace Technology: 3D mammography is the latest mammography technology with several advantages. Learn why 3D mammography protects better against breast cancer.
  1. Combine Appointments: Try to combine your mammogram appointment with other healthcare check-ups or errands. This can save you time and ensure you’re taking a holistic approach to your health.
  1. Break Away from Myths: Knowledge is power. Do not succumb to common myths about mammography. Stay informed and discuss your concerns freely with your doctor.

In Conclusion…

In the intricate mosaic of life, your health should be one of the brightest tiles. As a modern woman, you’ve already achieved so much. Don’t forget that the journey continues, and your health is the engine that powers it.

As an early breast cancer detection tool, mammography plays a vital role in ensuring that your advances remain spirited and full of possibilities. By integrating mammography into your busy lifestyle, you’re not only protecting your well-being but also setting a powerful example for those around you.

So, take a moment to schedule that mammogram appointment. It’s a small commitment that can significantly benefit your life and the lives of those who you care about. Balancing wellness is an art, and mammography is one of the colors that completes the picture.

Dr. Parvathy Rajendran
Consultant – Clinical Imaging & Interventional Radiology

Aster Medcity, Kochi

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